Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dive report - Lighthouse Bay, Saturday 21st March 2009

Lighthouse Bay is ROCKIN'!

Thanks to a massive amount of food in the water, Blizzard Ridge is just insane with predator fish - Spanish Mackerel, Golden Trevally, Estuary Cod, Rankin Cod and many others - having mini feeding frenzies all along the site. The hunters are running in packs and completely surround you as you're cruising along.

And these guys aren't shy about getting close to divers right now either, you can practically kiss some of the cod!

There's so much action happening that it's almost too addicting! I had to tear myself away from it to look for our newly found orange anglerfish, normally I'd spend an entire dive just watching one of these cuties wave his fishing lure around

VISIBILITY: 8-15m, clear, with big chunky floaties along the whole site
SURGE: mild
DEPTH: 14m

We did our other dive on Labyrinth. When I first dropped down I was greeted by a good sized grey reef shark who did a couple of zoomy circles around me before leisurely swimming off into the distance. There were far more chunky floaties in the water here than at Blizzard so photography conditions were pretty tough and I didn't even try for a shot with my 60mm macro!

Turtles were everywhere on this dive - swimming along, heading for the surface & a breath and just wedged into coral ledges to have a snooze

As happens regularly, I found something new on this site. Considering I have hundreds of dives on this site, I'm always amazed to stumble across something that seems like it would be totally obvious and unmissable! But I'd never seen this particular patch of anemone before - we call it the "rare & unusual anemone" though it isn't really (it's from a little joke some friends and I have). There are other patches around this site, but this one was new to me...and it had two resident shrimp, one who was very shy and this big guy just hanging out without a care in the world

Sometimes I think the reduced viz along with stacks of food encourages otherwise timid fish to get a little more daring. This surgeonfish practically brushed into my port!

VISIBILITY: 8-10m, milky, with big chunky floaties along the whole site
SURGE: mild
DEPTH: 14m

Another day that demonstrates why Exmouth Diving Centre heads out to Lighthouse Bay for two morning reef dives almost every day of the week - there's just always so much going on!

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