Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dive report - West Side Wednesday 24 June 2009

We just can't pull ourselves away from the great conditions and amazing marine life - humpbacks, manta rays, dolphins, turtles - we're experiencing down the West Side so we headed south for our full day tour today. 

First up was Three Fins and it was glorious with clear blue water, stacks of fish and tons of action. Octopus were abundant and entertaining. A huge potato cod relaxed at a cleaning station for a while and then wandered off to sit at the top of the reef so he could keep an eye on everything. A curious white tip reef shark followed the divers around for part of the dive before plopping himself down in the sand.
SURGE: none
DEPTH: 18m

Second dive was at Nick's Lumps and this was a dive of big things! Manta rays were circling the site so we got to see them a few times during the course of the dive and a green turtle with a beautiful shell kept us company for a little bit. White tip reef sharks were exploring ledges and holes, much more active than usual. There were a lot of cod - rankin, coral, honeycomb, estuarine - and some of the bigger fish were pretty territorial, aggressively chasing their smaller cousins off the patch of reef they'd chosen.
SURGE: none
DEPTH: 16m

We snorkeled at Bommie Central and it was covered in fast moving fish. Big green parrotfish munched loudly on the coral and sailfin catfish gleefully kicked up sand as we tried to get closer. Humbugs and colourful damsels seem to have doubled in number, including lots of very small ones. Beautiful!

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