Sunday, July 26, 2009

Diver Bites - Diver photo of the coolest Eagle Ray ever!

Way back in June a group of our divers saw the most amazing eagle ray while on a West Side dive at the Floats.

One of those divers, Ilse, was kind enough to send us a couple of photos to share with you all. We don't see eagle rays this large (easily 2.5m+) or with markings as gorgeous as these very often.

Thanks so much for sharing the shots, Ilse!

Update: Thanks to Mike Veitch, great uw photographer, for the heads up on the name of this creature: Ornate Eagle Ray (Aetomylaeus vespertilio). Turns out they are on the endangered list. has some information on this species.


  1. thats the Ornate Eagle Ray, can have a tail up to about 5 metres... the latin name can be found in Robert Myers Micronesian Fish Guide

  2. Mike - thanks for the more specific ID! We've updated the post to include more information on this incredible guy!
