Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dive report - West Side Thursday 13 August 2009

Oh so pretty day! We sure are spoiled here in Exmouth. Humpback whales everywhere we looked.  Two even swam between us and the reef at our first dive site as we were getting into the water.  They were only meters away!

The Floats was rocking with tons of fish all making us feel very uncoordinated as they seemed to sway gently in the big surge while we slid for ten feet one way and 15 feet the other way. How do fish do that?! Despite the swell creating a big surge and kicking up a lot of sand under some ledges, there was a ton to see: polka-dotted barramundi cod, a congregation of rock cod, masses of sweetlips, busy school of convict surgeons and a lazy wobbegong shark to provide counterpoint to all the action. The best sighting of the dive was watching a good sized school of big tuna repeatedly attack one of the big baitballs - talk about adrenalin inducing action!

As the divers were coming to the surface at the back of the boat and waiting on the line, a mother humpback whale brought her very small calf within about 20m of them. The divers could see them on the surface and said if you thought she looked big from the boat you should have been in the water with them! Gorgeous.
SURGE: strong
DEPTH: 16m

Central Station had far less swell and even more marine life than Floats. We had a wobbegong shark so well camouflaged that even when he was pointed out up close it was almost impossible to see him. He was almost white and pale grey, very unusual colouring. A seemingly endless school of surgeonfish covered the reef as far as the eye could see and a big school of snapper charged around gobbling morsels from midwater. A gigantic turtle was head under a ledge, bum sticking out in the sand. He did his little turtle dance, rocking from flipper to flipper, before cruising away down a gully. Smaller turtles, and some not so much smaller, were cruising and snoozing along the site and we counted over 20 popping up for a breath while we were on the surface, too. It was a really nice dive!
SURGE: none
DEPTH: 16m

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