Saturday, January 9, 2010

Did you leave your dog?

This is what was waiting for us when we got to the dive shop to get ready for the day's diving. Someone has left their dog locked in one of our trailers.

We don't know whose dog it is and Doggie isn't wearing a collar. He's very frightened & stressed: tail tucked way down between his legs, growls whenever a man comes near the trailer and gives me cautious, hopeful looks when I get close. He doesn't like to look at you and tries to stay away.

Whoever left him did put a dish of water in with him, at least. I fed him a couple of slices of ham that he ate eagerly after oh, so very gently taking it from my fingers. He seems to be a good boy.

We are keeping an eye on him as there's no shade over the trailer and we are hoping his owner comes soon. Thankfully it's nice and cool with a breeze blowing so he should be pretty comfortable for the morning - if laying in a steel trailer by yourself can ever be considered comfortable. Of course, now that I write this, he's crying & throwing himself against the sides of the trailer.

Poor Doggie.

If he's yours, please come get him or at least ring us on 1201 to let us know you remember you left him here. If you know whose he is, please contact the owner.

Update: Well, it started to get hot, especially on the floor of the trailer, so Dave and I teamed up and got a lead on Doggie. He wasn't that excited about it, but finally gave in and jumped out. We hooked him up to a tree with lots of shade, a nice place to kip and a big bowl of water. I went back across the road, answered the phone, looked out the door and the cheeky QUICK) bugger had chewed through the lead and was gone.

So now there's a boy dog wandering around Exmouth with a girlie pink collar with bones on it (and a dangling bit of red leash). If you see him, I'd really like the collar back :)

We sincerely hope that he's done what our Girls would do - walk back home on his own.

1 comment:

  1. That's terrible. At least he was lucky enough to be left near you guys, who will do your best to make sure he's okay. I hope that whoever left him is just really really stupid and not mean :(
