Monday, December 27, 2010

Exmouth Diving report - Lighthouse Bay Monday 27 December 2010

Oh so clear and blue underwater today! The sea breeze came in super early so we had a little chop on the surface, but underwater was divine.

We started at Labyrinth and before we even hit the water we'd seen more than ten turtles and the turtle action continued underwater - they were everywhere! The super blue water really made the purples, oranges, yellows, reds and greens of the massive number of fish stand out. Big trevally and mackerel were cruising and coral trout were hunting. Pink anemonefish were enjoying easy meals and swimming quite a ways away from the safety of their anemones. A good sized wobbegong shark snoozed under a ledge at our entry/exit point - completely disinterested in anything around him. Today was one of those dive days you dream about!
CURRENT: mild-moderate
SURGE: very mild
DEPTH: 14m

We dropped in at Razor's next and it was also excellent with big schools of scad, fusiliers and snapper rolling back and forth at the top of the ridge. A giant leopard spotted stingray whose wingspan was easily 1.8m tried to ignore us, half buried in sand, while cleaner wrasse went to work on his head. He got fed up with them and took off in a massive cloud of sand, leaving a trail behind him for miles! Moray eels, pufferfish, nudibranchs, baitfish, juvenile sailfin catfish and moorish idols tried to steal our attention from the gorgeous coloured sea fans. Our best find of the day: a teensy white anglerfish!! He posed prettily for each of our divers so everyone got a very good look. His little tiny feet were so cute and he even did a couple of yawns for us - amazing!!
CURRENT: mild-moderate
SURGE: very mild
DEPTH: 13m

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