Sunday, December 12, 2010

Exmouth Diving report - Muiron Islands Sunday 12 December 2010

Fantastic day!

We started at Cod Spot and had probably the best visibility we've ever seen there. Now, we don't normally care too much about viz as the reef is so active it doesn't matter much how far you can see coz there's so much to see right in front of you but today, WOW! The colours in the soft corals were jaw-droppingly vivid and you could see the bright colours for miles underwater - it was truly remarkable. Of course, there were also tons of fish around: trevally, mackerel, pink anemonefish, green parrotfish, moorish idols, emperor angelfish, 6 banded angelfish, many spotted sweetlips, white tip reef sharks... Best sight today: 3 grey reef sharks! They came in pretty close and didn't seem inclined to dart away from the area like they usually do. We spent ages just watching them circle and cruise. Fantastic, for sure!
CURRENT: very slight
SURGE: none
DEPTH: 17m

We headed to Keyhole to see if we could find the juvenile grey nurse shark that we found last Sunday, but couldn't find her anywhere. There were tons of different species of nudibranchs out and about including four different species on one small (about the size of an esky) coral bommie! So pretty! The swim-thrus had masses of red soldierfish adorning the ceilings and walls. Two big razorfish did their funky dance over the sand for us and three big barracuda patrolled over our heads for almost the entire dive. This was an outstanding dive!
SURGE: very mild
DEPTH: 12m

The water around at Turtle Bay, where we stopped for lunch and a big snorkel, was rich blue & green - and so clear you didn't even need to get off the boat to see the fish! There were masses of turtle tracks on the beach - looks like the Mama Turtles were super busy last night digging nests and laying eggs.

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