Friday, April 24, 2009

Dive report - Lighthouse Bay, Tuesday 21 April 2009

The swell came up dramatically overnight and was still rising, so visibility was much lower than what we've been spoiled with lately.  Blizzard Ridge lived up to its name with rolling blankets of sand spilling over the ledges in places but that didn't stop us from having an awesome dive.  Seems the fish rise higher into the water column when it gets like this, so there were even more big schools just hanging around.  Olive sea snakes were out in force, swimming along the reef ledges, tongues flitting in and out in search of whatever it is sea snakes long for. One of the giant morays was halfway out his hole, face covered in small cleaner shrimp and tiny blue striped cleaner wrasse keeping busy.
CURRENT: very mild
SURGE: moderate
DEPTH: 14m

We decided to find some cleaner water for dive two, so came back around the Cape into Exmouth Gulf for dive two. We hit Clusters and it was an awesome choice. The corals are spectacular with tons of bright reds, oranges and yellows and every sort of strange creature was out and about. Crocodilefish casually hid in the sand, tiny hermit crabs scurried across the reef and eels peeked from ledges. Some of our divers found a very cool, very small catshark tucked into a coral head - not a common sight at all! That find would be great for our current Diver's Bites blog contest (but we bet you've got something just as cool to share with us, so hurry and enter now!)
SURGE: none

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